Sermon Date: April 13, 2016
Sermon Topic: Where
is Your Faith
Sermon Notes:
have the power of God thru faith. No matter what we’re dealing with we must
develop an attitude of an overcomer. We have the divine ability to overcome. We
will face challenges but we must focus on the will of God. Our faith is in
Jesus Christ we are overcomers because of our faith.
vehicle to get us to victory is faith. We can make a declaration that I’m an
overcomer and my faith in Christ changes things in my life. When storms arise
we forget about the will of God – the key is to not focus on the storm.
gave us the power. The Holy Ghost dwells in us but our faith in Christ makes it
alive. We are in a spiritual warfare. The enemy knows our purpose, potential
and our plans.
we decide to increase – we move into his territory. He can’t defeat us, but he
has methods (deception, deceit and temptation) to move us from our place. Never
let the potential of the storm spoil your day. You have what you say. The power
of God’s words are realized as we speak. What we say is what we end up believing.
The will of God gets us to the other side. No demon power can hurt us.
16:17 – some things we allow because of our lack of faith.
worry and fear will not come out of my mouth. I’m speaking victory. We can
speak the word of God to our situations. We don’t have to figure out what to
say. 1 John 4:4 – we must say what Jesus says. If the greater one is inside of
me, I’m not worried about the world.
have the victory before the battle began. We control how long trials remain in
our lives. Some storms we could end now. The disciples waited until the ship
was sinking to call on Jesus.
many times do we do the same thing? We wait until it’s a storm and we could’ve
went to Jesus before that. The Holy Spirit moves by what we say. We must learn
how to deal with pressure. We don’t go to God with a problem we should go to
him with an answer and thanksgiving.
word is the final authority. How will the world know about Jesus unless we
share Jesus with the world.
are the light of the world.
103:1-5 – He forgives our iniquities and cleanses us from unrighteousness. The
Bible tells us that he leads us by still waters and green pastures – even in
the midst of the storm. He restores our soul. When I pass through the valley of
the shadow of death.
89:34 – when God says to us in all these things we are more than conquerors
that won’t ever change.
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