Monday, December 5, 2016


Date: December 2, 2016

Sermon Topic: Advent

Matthew 24:43-44 – Be ye also ready. Advent is a season of anticipation.  An expectation of Christ’s return. Act 1:11 – in the interim you will hear of wars and rumors of war but don’t be troubled. 

Nations will be against nations, famines, pestilence, natural disaster will be accompanied with spiritual decay.  

Scripture specifically says that you are not your own – you were bought with a price. You must discipline yourself – it’s easy to stay home from church even through there will be spiritual bankruptcy the word will be preached.

2 Peter 3:10 – 11 – Never say what God can’t do. They laughed at Noah when he built the Ark. All of those years passed and it never rained. Since the time when the world ends is near what kind of life should we be living now? To be saved is to live a Holy and righteous life.

If I’m saved the evidence should show. The Heavens will vanish away. In a moment all of this will be gone. We must grow in faith, love and commitment. Ephesians 4:14-15 – We are not children tossed about. 

We should be be frazzled by everything.

The God Kind of Faith

Date: February 28, 2016

Sermon Topic: The God Kind of Faith

Mark 11:21-24 – The promises of God. We look into the Word of God to receive instructions. There is a specific way to pray to receive the blessings of the Lord.

All things are yours already. 2 Peter 1:3 – There are times when you need the word because you’ll ask for something you already have. It’s a way of doubting. The key word in the passage is – “has given” – you have it already. 2 Corinthians 1:20 – We have all the promises. We should never be in a struggle when it comes to receiving God’s promises.

We must follow the instructions in the word concerning prayer in order to receive it. We must speak faith filled words when we ask. Speak to your problems. Only once did God say believe, but he spoke three times about our speech.

Genesis 1:3 – God said – then he saw. God spoke the creation into existence. You don’t need to struggle and stress. Stand still and say, “The Lord Rebuke You”. The devil is already defeated.

Genesis 1:26 – The saints of God has dominion over all of the creeps! We have the authority to see results. We must first speak faith filled words to see the results. We have the authority to see results. Proverbs 10:11 – 12 – The temptation will come to say something negative. There are some things you shouldn’t be saying.

If we know what’s acceptable why do we keep speaking unacceptable language? When you pray – forgive. If you want your requests considered – forgive. Unless you forgive – God wont forgive you. Psalm 66:18 – The Lord won’t hear you if you have iniquity in your heart. We need to have the right relationship with God and man.

Discipline yourself so you don’t say those things that are displeasing to God. 1 John 5:14 – 15 – you can ask for anything.

The word of God is the will of God. Because I’m asking according to his will, I know that he hears me.

Anything you ask that’s promised, don’t say if it be thy will. He’s already promised it. You must be thankful for what you already have.

He has given us all things.

Psalm 84:11 – No good thing will he withhold from those who walk upright before him. God knows the time that is best for me.

There is the law of right motive. James 4:3 – You want only what will give you pleasure. You’re spoiled children, each wanting your own way. Prayers isn’t always talking to God. Mathew 6:7 – 8 – Use not your repetition. Your father knows what we have need of before we ask.

Galatians 4:6-7 – We are heirs to the throne through Christ. Everything that Christ has is mine. When you have the temptation to complain, don’t. 

You’re already blessed.

You already have peace and joy. Your needs are already met.

Speak over your situation and your house.

Prayer and Faith – Bible Study

Date: February 28, 2016
Sermon Topic: Prayer and Faith – Bible Study

James 5:13 – 15 - Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that you may be healed. If I’m going to be healed, I have to remove all things – hidden agendas.

Luke 8:43 – faith without works is dead. Mathew 8:5 – God is no respecter of person if you can believe it, you can receive it. Your faith has to be as big as your need in order to receive.

You verbalize it but you must ask for it according to faith. If you can believe it, you can have it, and you have to be persistent.

While we wait, we must discipline our speech. We take all of our prayers to God. Because of your persistent prayer someone will be healed and saved because of the righteous prayers.
God promises to answer prayer for personal needs of others.

Psalm 145:18 – Call upon him in truth. He will hear your cry and save you.

God answers prayers for healing. If he did it before he can do it again. The church has all of this untapped power. When we have the God kind of faith. You have to be willing to look crazy to the world. 

There will always be nonbelievers. God closed the door because he didn’t want any doubters; because God knows the thoughts of everyone. Jesus can’t do any miracles amidst unbelievers.

God answers prayers.

We must accept God’s grace and turn away from sin. Be true, honest, transparent and clean before God.

Stay in the word.

Spend time in the word daily.

John 4:24 – worship God in spirit and in truth. Seek the Lord early in the morning. Get up and talk to God. Make your requests last – not first.

Praise and glorify God then you remain in a state of preparedness to play. God will answer your prayer.

Be mindful that you’re waging war against the enemy when you pray.


Sermon Date:  January 20, 2016

Sermon Topic: Faith

Sermon Notes:

When our conversations align with God’s word, we have what we say. We need the faith to believe. Faith makes things possible.

Faith makes all things possible, but not necessarily easy. Many are the afflictions of the righteous. When we walk by faith and not by sight and say those things that align with God’s word we will have what we ask for.

We must guard our heart and discipline our speech. We will always be tempted. We don’t see with our eyes we see through our eyes. 1 Corinthians – look not at what’s seen. What’s not seen is eternal, what’s seen is only temporary.

We can see things that the natural mind can’t see. We grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.

John 17:21 – The glory that the father gave to Jesus he has given to them. When we talk about the glory it means I am in them and thou in me. That they may be perfect and the world will know who they are because they conduct themselves well.

Throughout the scripture there is talk about trust. You’re changed by wisdom or by crisis. Circumstances can dictate how you live. We can’t let that happen. Don’t wait for a crisis to appear to pray. During a crisis you shouldn’t panic. You’ve got it. The authority to access it is the key.

When I need something I can get it. You don’t have to clear anything with anyone first. It’s there!

You have the power to ask for whatever you need.

We reign and rule. You must be careful of acting. You’ve got the power. If you have the authority don’t keep it under wraps.

When a nonbeliever and a believer are in a relationship they lose their power. Every unsaved person is under the rule of Satan.

2 Corinthians 2:13 – We need to discipline our thinking not to allow your thought to cancel out your victory. Jesus knows that we aren’t perfect. Some days we misbehave and the Holy Spirit steps in to remind us.

Isaiah 55:11 – my word shall accomplish what I please. Whatever God says, he will fulfill. It will be. When we look at this – worship is a time to come together to pray, praise and hear. Faith comes by hearing. I can read the written word but I must be obedient to the word to receive. This is the key to getting knowledge builds confidence in us. It produces confidence. I heard what God said about it and I have faith in it.

I’ll believe the report of the Lord. In this life, we will hear things so close to the truth but are a lie. If you don’t have the knowledge you will fall for a lie.

Hebrews 10:32 – knowledge produces confidence. After you got the word of God you were able to endure affliction.

We have in heaven a better and enduring substance. Cast not away therefore your confidence. You have need of patience. We will have trials, circumstances and situations. But we must remain confident and patient.

Fight the good fight – rejoice – praise God in the midst of what I’m dealing with.

When we endure circumstances and keep our faith, we will be a mirror for others and a role model to show how we’re still standing.

Don’t be moved by your circumstances. You can’t allow your circumstances to dictate how you live your life. When you do that you become unstable.

Confidence isn’t self -confidence; it’s confidence in God. Look at what he’s already done for us. Since I have the power to know that God changes not, he will continue to deliver us.

We have to watch our for self-confidence. 1 Corinthians 10:12 – our hope and help is in the name of the Lord. Our consistency for victory is rooted in God.

2 Timothy 1:6 – We must conquer the spirit of fear to exercise authority. God has not given us a spirit of fear. We should know that fear didn’t come from God and fear is a spirit.

The root of fear causes a believer to think that God’s promises will not come to pass. You muse decide:

-       Fear – Live for the devil
-       Faith – Walk with God, trust God.

A lot of time people don’t see victory in their lives because of what they think, feel or their environment.

We will be in contact with nonbelievers but it is our responsibility to be the light of Christ so they will want to be a part of God’s kingdom. You have to understand you. You have to know you. You’re a spirit being living in a body, possessing a soul.

Heaven is at your disposal. Being born again gives you peace.

The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in us.

Jeremiah 33:1-3 – all you have to do is call on the Lord and he will answer you. No matter what you are facing, you serve a God who is willing and able to back you up.

Sometimes the spirit will lead you to someone that you had last on the list. When he gives us the vision, the spirit has already prepared the person. God already prepared their hearts.

He opens things that are amazing. We are seated in heavenly places in Christ. Our name must be written in heaven to use the name Jesus with the power of God. Cast demons in the name of Jesus. The authority is in the name of Jesus. We must know about the power to exercise the power.

The Requirements of the Gospel

Sermon Date:  April 10, 2016

Sermon Topic: The Requirements of the Gospel

Sermon Notes:

Luke 9:23 – There is a cost as a Christian. What is the cost of living for Jesus. If you’re not careful material things can separate you from God. And Jesus said to them if any man come after me, deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

As we live the life of the gospel, we can no longer do our job without urgency. Every member isn’t a preacher but every member is a minister. God calls us to a life of holiness, commitment and self-denial.

You must understand – you! We must understand that we are the temple of the holy ghost and we aren’t our own. Romans 5:8 – While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. We can’t set the conditions for how we will serve. God gave us instructions. We have the word, we must keep his commandments to show love. Not only memorize scripture, but love it.

We are saved to make a difference. Ephesians 2:10 – We are made to give back to the kingdom. We are made to glorify God.

You must make a decision and it must be binding. Everyone talking about heaven isn’t going there. We must let go of some things.

Philippians 3:7-8 – you have to deny yourself. Denial is the second condition.

Take up your cross daily and follow me. Everyday I must follow Christ. We’ll have pitfalls and obstacles but God knows.

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. We have to have the willingness to obey Christ.

We must be willing to obey Jesus Christ. 1 John 2:3 – we don’t obey for any other reason than we love Christ.

We must be willing to suffer for Christ. When God wants to speak to you , he puts a person in your life – spirits can’t operate in this environment without a body.

When the devil wants you to talk to him he puts someone in your path.

Always have a positive attitude in God. Colossians 3:2 – you must be listening to hear the voice of God. Jesus commands total commitment. Mathew 19:21 – we have to grow in our obedience to Christ. Don’t let material things be your God.

Mathew 10:37 -39 – You cant put anything before God. Seek first the Kingdom. You must worship him in spirit and in truth.

You must train your child – that foundation must be there.

Love for God and love for family are essential.