Bible Study
Scriptures: Luke 10:19, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Colossians 3:2, 1 Peter 2:9, 2 Corinthians 3:5, Isaiah 55:10 -11, Philippians 4:19 , 1 Timothy 4:1 , Romans 5:3
Sermon Topic: The Secret to Abundant Life
Abundant life doesn’t mean you have a lot of things. Faith in God’s word removes fear and failure from your life. A person established in the word of God has power to overcome.
Luke 10:19 – Your heart must be established in the word of God.
“The Just Shall Live By Faith” is in the Bible four times.
2 Corinthians 1:20 – We have to make faith confessions about our circumstances.
Stop agreeing with the condition. Agree with the word of God. We have power over the enemy. There’s nothing the enemy can do to you. “Occupy till I come” you own this until I come. We don’t agree with what happens in the world.
Failure for a man or woman of God is an opinion not an option. God will supply all of our needs. If all of our needs are met – we don’t have to worry.
Don’t let your circumstances talk to you. You can’t receive what your circumstance or what others say to you. Speak like Jesus speaks to your situations and people, “It’s finished”. Have an unshakable expectation.
Move out of your comfort zone. You have giants that look bigger than you, but you can’t be scared. Declare in the name of Jesus. Raise your expectations.
Colossians 3:2 – Set your affections on things above.
Stop watching the news – it sows negativity into your spirit.
Hang up the phone.
See yourself the way God sees you.
1 Peter 2:9 – God sees what others are just looking at.
Stop listening to what others say about you. They don’t know you.
Take off the mask. Don’t camouflage who you are. Tell people what you’re going through. Sometimes when you talk to people they remind you of what it used to be. Don’t remember the former things. Stop rehearsing your past, it’s over.
You can’t allow circumstances to dictate how you enjoy your life. Enjoy yourself. This only comes around once.
Life is a journey and everything in it is a process. You were created to be successful.
You’ll never have success apart from God.
2 Corinthians 3:5 – our sufficiency is from God. Philippians 4:19 – Now I can do all things. The word of God has power. Isaiah 55:10 -11 – My word will not return to me void.
You have to go to the manual. There is no circumstance in your life where you can’t find the answer in the word of God.
Sometimes it will get rough – speak the word over everyone. Accept responsibility for your own life – you will have to live with the choices you make. You can’t blame anyone, but yourself.
Faith must continue to be received. I must continue in faith. Fight the good fight of faith – it’s a fight.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous. You must know the truth.
1 Timothy 4:1 – You can lose your faith. There is a lot of teaching that has nothing to do with the word of God.
We must have confidence. Full surrender tot eh truth.
If you’re going to be the light of the world, and the salt of the earth, you must be a witness.
Romans 5:3 – tribulation worketh patience. Face adversity patiently knowing that there is an appointed time where God will bring you out.
This isn’t the end, it’s only the beginning. You don’t have a testimony without a test.