Sunday, May 31, 2015

Begin Again - Starting Over

Sermon Date:  May 31, 2015

Sermon Topic: Begin Again – Starting Over

Scriptures: Philippians 3:13 -14, 1 Peter 4:12, Psalm 34:19, John 16:33, 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, Philippians 4:8

Sermon Notes:

How do you begin again, when your life has been interrupted by disappointment, tragedy, depression? Who do I turn to? Who leads me when all around me is sinking sand.

The proper responses to starting over. Something happens when you have to begin again. There will be many beginnings in our life. But there are steps to take that are crucial to starting over.

Letting go – you reach a point where you must step back and release it to God. Turn it over to Jesus and stop worrying about it.

In order to reach your destiny, you must let go of:

·      People
·      Places
·      Things

The 1 thing that keeps you from your future is your past.

That’s why Paul said in Philippians 3:13 -14 the he didn’t understand it all, but the one thing that he will do is let go of what’s behind him. You can’t fix problems from yesterday. Move on.

It’s easy to form attachments to people or things but it’s necessary for growth.

Intolerance of your present will create your future. Everything that occurs in life moves us towards our dream or away from it.

Resentment – letting someone you don’t need live rent free in your mind. You need to have your mind on Jesus.

Never let anyone else, build your world for you, they will build it too small.

Forget those things that are beyond.

We must deal with the damage, in dealing with the damage; I must deal with me, first.

I have to ask the right questions. Instead of asking, “Why me?” We must ask, “What do you want me to do, God?” “What’s my next step, Lord?”

You must know that God doesn’t exempt us from trials. You will have to go through some things.

Psalm 34:19 – I serve a God who delivers.  John 16:33 – In God you have peace, in the world, you have trouble. I’m an overcomer and my faith is changing my circumstances.

Weeping only endures for a night. I won’t cry forever.

God prepares us, 1 Peter 4:12 – Stop asking why me? Why here? Why now?

The difference between those who fail and those who succeed is how they handle pressure.

Saints should be like tea kettles, when we get in hot water, we should be singing!

God inhabits the praise of his people.

2 Corinthians 4:7-9 – We have the treasure in earthly vessels. I’m facing all of this, but I’m still here. Sometimes you deal with stuff all day long – but in the morning it’s a new day. Those who cause the pain of today don’t inherit the pleasure of tomorrow.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass – learn to dance in the rain.

Release the grief, fear, anger and labels that have attached themselves to you. There is more to you than what others say about you.

Do what is necessary then do what is possible – then you’ll be able to do the impossible.

Don’t rehearse your failures – the more you talk about it, the more it becomes a part of your life. If you love failure – you’ll fail. Life isn’t always going to be happy – there is no correlation between life experience and happiness.

Happiness doesn’t depend on who you are, it depends on what you think. Get up with the, “Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!” type of mindset.

Philippians 4:8 – Set your mind on the positive not on the negative. Set your affections above.

Don’t repress it – don’t hold it in, don’t say it’s no big deal. Don’t hold on to your words. When you hold it in you create a root of bitterness over the period of time.  You have to release it or you will end up releasing it on the wrong person.

Life is not a dress-rehearsal. Stop practicing what you’re gonna do and do nothing.

Stop making excuses. Remember the man by the pool. He sat there for 30 + years waiting for someone to help him. You can always find an excuse. Your mouth sets the stage for your life. Your victory is as close as the roof of your mouth.

I’m not mourning over past mistakes – I’m moving on. Don’t be tormented by past mistakes.

We are forgiven, sanctified and set apart. We are the blood of Jesus. Christ has forgiven you. When Christ forgives you – don’t worry about what the world says about you.

Those with the best life make the best of what they have. Take the first step - accept what you can’t change. Tell God how you feel, not other people.

Do you want to be bitter or happy? The choice is yours.

Start over, don’t be afraid. Sometimes you have to re-start 2, 3, 4, 5 times, but that won’t stop God. Remember the doubters in Israel. God waited until all of the doubters died before the promise was received.

Be determined to be all you can be in the kingdom of God. I have a new attitude, a new look, I’m refocusing my life. I’m the righteousness of Jesus. It’s nothing we did. While we were in our sins, Christ died for us.

Stay in the race.

The race hasn’t been given to the swift. Hold out – keep the faith in God’s own time, my change will come.

Don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t be weary.

After a while what God promised, will come to pass.

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