Date: November
12, 2014
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:7 – For we walk by faith and not by sight.
Bible Study Notes:
There are times when our faith is tested and we must
persevere through it all. The power of your speech is significant. Get out of
an old belief or mindset. There are times when we are boxed in and we put God
in a box.
Say it until you see it.
We are people of faith. We call those things that aren’t as though they are. John 1: 12 – To as many who have received him, we have power to be, but we must be willing to become. Since all of the promises are yes and amen, I have all that I need. When it comes to God’s promises, we must be tough-minded. When we don’t move from what God says it strengthens our minds. Getting tough-minded about our purpose develops our character.
2 Peter 3:14 – We according to his promise must be steadfast. Be diligent –Be blameless. Get out of those negative environments.
As Christians, we can create an atmosphere of victory. When we create an atmosphere we get an image of victory. If you can create an image – you can change the circumstances.
We create the image by meditating on the image and the word
of God.
1 Samuel – David was not moved by what he saw.
If I made it through some obstacles yesterday and I’m faced
with a new problem, I must meditate on what God did before.
Just like David recalled when God delivered him from the lion and the bear he can be delivered from the Philistine. You must have the same faith. Your faith must be equal to your confession.
Mark 11:23 – If you believe it; you will have it. Have the faith.
We must talk expectations – not experiences. Experiences are
in the past – expectation is what’s in front of me.
Don’t dwell on the past – since greater is before you.
What he promised, he will bring it to past.
Proverbs 10:12 – the mouth of the righteous is a well of life – you must speak life. We must guard our speech.
Don’t allow a situation to prophesize to you.
1 Corinthians 2:4 – We must endure and talk expectation. Endurance is a key to walk by faith. Be not weary. Your season will show up – if you endure. You shall reap if you faint not.
Faith is not a longing for something that will come to pass.
True faith is a confirmation.
Genesis 22 – If
you can believe all things are possible. God doesn’t tempt us, he tests us.
Abraham had the God kind of faith. He traveled with his son for 3 days without
questioning God.
The promise that God gave Abraham in Chapter 21 overrode
what fear he would’ve had.
There are times when your faith will be tested.
There are times when you are believing God for something,
where you can’t be in the company of doubters and disbelief. They are sowing
seeds. The doubters sow into your ear gate that plants the seed or they will
remind you of how what you’re seeking God for has failed someone else.
Be careful who you allow into your environment. When you’re
believing God for a miracle. Luke 8:47 – Don’t receive what you may hear about
your circumstances. Stand on the promises. Never receive anything that’s counter-productive
to the word of God.
No matter the situation – trust in God.
No matter the situation – trust in God.
There are times when you must separate yourself.
Matthew 6 – When you pray, pray in secret and the Lord will reward you openly.
God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. We must
control our actions – be in control or it will affect you.
Your winning hinges on your ability to control your actions.
There is a consequence of not trusting God. Hebrews 10:38-39
– The just shall live by faith. If any man draweth back, God has not pleasure
in them. We must be faith-filled people. I must believe that he is God and
believe that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.
We must give God praise – thanks but we must be careful of
what else we say. Guard your speech.
Our performance doesn’t determine our standing in Christ,
because grace keeps us.
My standing in Christ determines my performance.
It’s in him that we live, move and have our being.
They who trust in the Lord shall not be moved. When things
look shaky they’re still working out for the good. Put a smile on your face and
be of good courage.
You always move in the direction of your desire. What you do
daily affects your desire. Some things we shouldn’t watch on T.V. because it
sow seeds into the spirit. Faith is the capacity to trust in God even when it
doesn’t make sense; even when you feel like the only one going through. You
just keep moving.
Don’t dwell on the negative. Our lives don’t change until we
change our thoughts. There are some areas that hinder you from seeing God’s
point of view.
Sometimes circumstances can make you utter words that are
contrary to God.
Stand in faith – wait on the Lord – trust in God.
The word of God will stand forever. No matter what may come.
Reflect on your previous experiences, but don’t let it limit
you from what God can do now.
Your past mistakes shouldn’t prevent you from future
increase. Satan is an accuser. He can’t read our mind, but he hears what we
say. He listens to what we say an seeks whom he can devour.
Whatever you say will come to pass. God will not violate his
word. You will have whatever you say. God won’t go against his word. Your
current circumstances and other people’s experiences limit you.
You are walking in the flesh when you pay attention to the past.
You are walking in the flesh when you pay attention to the past.
Negative limiting words – words that entice you to quit. The
enemy wants to keep you from seeing God working in your life.
Deuteronomy 28:
you’re already blessed. Guard your speech. I need a blessing, counter the word
of God.
God wants us to look like us but act like him.
Don’t get worried; keep saying it if it doesn’t happen
tomorrow, it will happen.
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