Sunday, November 30, 2014

Made Right With God

Every born again believer's standing with Christ is secure, but our state with Christ is progressing. Our performance does not determine our standing with Christ.

There is nothing that we could do on our own, without Christ.

Titus 3:5  According to his mercy - he saved us. God's mercy saved us.

2 Peter 3:18 - Grow in grace - we have been given a measure of grace but we must have the desire to grow.

Colossians 3:5 - Set your affections on things above, this is the time to focus, because the temptation to be over-excited during this season.

It's hard for someone to buy something for you, we can be grateful but not satisfied, nothing satisfies but God.

Matthew 11:29 - you will find rest for your soul if you give God your problems. Don't get in the struggle or try to find rest in other things - find rest in God.

Jesus said - My peace, I leave with you. You shouldn't be looking for peace.

God is a peacemaker.

Faith comes by hearing and the knowledge of God.

Faith is an established principle - to apply this principle, you must understand the righteousness of God.

He who knew no sin, was born into sin to save us.

You were in God's plan before the foundation of the word.

We are justified by our faith - My faith in Jesus justifies me.

Don't allow the enemy to sow seeds in your spirit. You are saved and sealed until the day of redemption.

God's grace is sufficient. When God says it's finished - it is finished.

We have access into God's grace. Now that we have access, we can come boldly before the throne.

We are redeemed from:


Your faith is your victory - every circumstance must yield to your faith. There are some things that are still in your life because you aren't speaking faith - filled words to it.

The key is to remain God-inside-minded. We have peace through Christ.

Isaiah 23:3 - God never said that we won't have trials, but we are all conquerors because we  believe.

We will have trouble, but your victory is in your mouth. Say Something!

Isaiah 48:2 - There is no peace to the wicked.

There are times when your faith will be tested - Why have faith if it can't be tested.

You have to have confidence in God's protection.

Psalm 56:3 - I will trust in thee, I will not fear, what can man do to me?

We have confidence in God's purpose. You must pursue your purpose. Go after it.

We must glory in tribulation - knowing that it comes to work your patience.

Romans 3:5 - tribulation worketh patience. When you ask for are asking for tribulation.

When you're dealing with trials and tribulation you must continue to bless the name of the Lord. I will bless the Lord at all times.

There are times when you ask God to remove circumstances and he won't remove it. It has nothing to do with you or what you have done.

God is not in the circumstances removal business. He never said that you wouldn't go through anything. His grace is sufficient. I will keep you until it's time to bring you out.

Everytime you encounter something speak to yourself.

It ain't over until it's over!

Friday, November 28, 2014

There is a Way Back to the Father’s House

We waste time and money trying to figure out where we’re going when we could just ask someone. When your spirit is lost we know that something is wrong, but we’re afraid to ask for directions.

Sin will promise freedom but instead it brings an enslavement to sin with promises of success.  Sin promises life and brings death.

Makes no difference how bad it is if you are willing and obedient you will reap the rewards of the land.
If you come I will greet you with open arms, but you must come.

God can hear you, but your iniquities and sin block God’s ability to touch you.

The flesh loves to distract. It wants to keep the word from flowing. Communion requires a newness of life. Sincerity and truth. Jesus purifies believers. There is nothing that we can do to earn admission to heaven. It has already been done.

You could’ve messed up last night, but the table is still set and prepared for you. If you confess your sin, God is faithful and just. He will cleanse your sins.

Privilege is no guarantee of success. Just because we are invited to the table doesn’t mean that its automatic success. 

Communion is a spiritual cleanser to flush the spiritual junk out of your system.

Spiritual Growth

God has given us the right to partake in his inheritance.

You must have the word on the inside of you in order to grow. There is no gain in the flesh. Nothing will profit our flesh in heaven.

The enemy doesn’t want you to hear the word. He will assign someone to you to deter you from hearing the word.

God will call us to stay in church, meditate on the word and do the work that has been placed within us.
If you have three people in the congregation one of them is the devil. He doesn’t sit outside the church, he comes inside and sits right beside you. He whispers in your ear.

The carnal mind doesn’t care about God or what God says. 

It is worthless of us to use natural means to conquer spiritual problems.

When someone is acting out, it’s not the person, it’s the spirit in them. 

The weapons of our warfare aren’t carnal.

The word of God must be heard. The word of God must be received and it must be obeyed. 

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. If you believe on me and continue in my word, then you will be free. 

-          Bless those that curse you
-          Do good to those who spitefully use you
-          Love thy neighbor as thyself
-          Be doers of the word, not just hearers

You must study the word of God for spiritual growth. If you are not in the word, you are in trouble.
Associate yourself with like-minded people.

Develop a positive attitude and the purpose of an overcomer. Stay focused on the word of God.
Be fruitful in every good work. We must bear fruit. God will purge and prune you to make you bear more fruit.

Knowing God has a transforming affect; you are transformed from evil. We shouldn’t be the same. We should be able to show the change.

A child of God loves everyone.

Living Through Life’s Storms

Living through life’s storms – Where is your faith?

God is allowing the storms to come to the lands. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added.

God is merciful, he sends us warnings. Although, we made it through the storm; you are made aware that you can’t run from God or his words.

God will judge us right where we stand. He will rain on the just and the unjust. There is always a calm before the storm. Where is your faith? We have to have faith in God. 

Faith must be tested before it can be trusted. 

Trials are going to come because God is calling his people to righteousness and holiness. “He that is holy, let him be holy still.”

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad. When a trial comes, your reward isn’t here. Stop looking for it here. Look for your reward in heaven. 

Never worry about the little things that come to distract you.

Don’t worry about gnats. Stop swatting at gnats. 

Don’t look at the storm clouds, look at Jesus.

There are small things that are placed in your life to distract you.

He’s already said that he’s the way, the truth and the life. 

He said that he will bless his church and the gates of hell will not prevail.

He’s already said it. He shouldn’t have to say it again.

Do you believe in the circumstances or the will of God?

Living through the storm depends on how well prepared you are.

What are you grounded on? If you aren’t grounded in the name of God you will not get through.

There are storms that you can speak to and say “Cease”. There are also storms that you are in for the long haul. Some storms you have to ride out.

There are some things/people/thoughts and ideas that you are going to have to move from your life to ride out your storms. 

Some storms can be avoided.

Examine Yourself

If you aren’t experiencing good things, don’t blame God, check yourself.

We live in a world filled with vices, pitfalls and devices to deter you from walking in the path of righteousness. 

The carnal mind is open to sins of the flesh. You can be Christian with a carnal mind, carnal thoughts and desires. 

You must be careful with some people. You can be cordial, but you must be free from the bondage of sin. To be free from the bondage of sin, we need God.

The heart is deceitful among all and desperately wicked. Every day that you wake up, you will battle with the flesh. 

When you are not free internally, it manifests on the outside.  Mess = Misery + Evil Side by Side

Some people are bound. If you lust after the flesh, you will die by the flesh.

What we are determines what we see and what we see determines what we do.

If you love Jesus you must have the holy spirit dwelling in you, you must look at your associates.
Be with those that keep the word of God.

Proverbs 13:20 – Watch who you hang around with for you become what you surround yourself with.
Separate yourself. Psalm 141:4 – incline not your heart to any evil thing to practice wicked words with men that work iniquity. Don’t participate in what they participate in.

Examine yourself. 

Ask yourself……..What am I doing?

Is there anything in my life that’s not according to God’s word?


When was the last time you were angry or upset? When was the last time you lost your temper? Gain some control over the flesh.

Proverbs 23 – Control yourself! Be not desires of this dainty because it is deceitful meat.

Sin is deceptive, deceitful and it starts out small.

Spiritual things became more real to you, the more spiritually conscious you are.

If I’m following things based on my emotions; I am not in the spirit. The emotions are not of the spirit. 

The spirit of God gives life to the things that you desire from God. 

Be aware of the conflicts that you are engaged in. 

Don’t waste your time with petty conflicts.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Starting Over

Sermon Topic: Starting Over
Date: November 23, 2014

Philippians 3:7-14, Philippians 4:8, John 5:7


How do you begin again? When your life has been interrupted by failed relationships, trials and tragedy it is difficult to let go and start over. Starting over is a process. Some steps are crucial to starting over successfully.

Letting go – there are probably things that you hold onto that you’ve held on to for years.
There are times in life when you have to let go of people – places and things. The one thing that keeps you from your destiny is your past.

Philippians 3:7-14 – Sometimes we don’t understand life. That’s why we must wait on the Lord.
It’s easy to form an attachment to people or things and it’s hard to let go. Every person that comes into your life has a purpose or aren’t in your life to stay. Some folks don’t mean you well. Have no fellowship with them.

Letting go can be painful. The intolerance of your present will create your future. Every relationship is a current – it moves you towards your dream or away from your dreams.

Hanging on to resentment allows someone to live rent free in your head. Never let someone build your world for you. They will build it too small.

Forget about the past – don’t let others remind you of the past. When you don’t forgive you put yourself in a box.

If you want to start over you must first deal with the damage. Ask the right questions. Starting over will be rough, but we will make it. I’m not going to allow anything to stop me.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous. The difference between success and failure is how you handle pressure.

There are times when the enemy will put you in the pressure cooker. But God has the power. Just like the palm tree – we can bend, but we won’t break.

Three ways to help you let go

  1. Enjoy yourself - don’t let anything get you down.  Those who control the pain of today can’t control the pleasure of tomorrow.
  2. Release the grief – emotions of anger, fear and labels – there is something more precious in you than what people say.
  3. Don’t rehearse your failures tomorrow is another day. Get over it – if you keep talking about it, you will be right back where you were. Don’t allow others to remind you. If you worry and pity yourself, you will become a pitiful person that no one wants to be around.

Life won’t always be happy. You’re not always going to wake up on the sunny side of the street – deal with it.

Happiness doesn’t depend on who you are – it depends on how you think.

Philippians 4:8 – Think on these things, think on the positive and not the negative. If you allow yourself to think about the negative you will find plenty of negative things to think about.

Wake up in the morning with a positive attitude. Wake up and be thankful for another day.

Don’t repress it – Don’t hold it in – Some people hold stuff in and then one day, they explode. Let it out – don’t hold it in. Don’t hold on to the pain, disappointment and old negative memories.

Release it! Life isn’t a dress rehearsal, stop practicing and just do it!

Stop making excuses – John 5:7 – Jesus was asking the man at the pool if he wanted to be healed. The man had wasted over 30 years sitting near the pool. When Jesus came to him, the man gave Jesus nothing but excuses for his condition.

Some of the people that you wait to help you won’t. They either can’t help you, don’t have time or don’t really want you to succeed.

What you say sets the stage for your life. Stop talking crazy stuff, it impacts your life.

By your words you are justified, by your words, you will be condemned. Your victory is as close as the roof of your mouth.

You must only speak positive things. Things turn out for the best – for those who make the best of things.

You are not a loser, you’re a winner. Dr. King once said, take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step.

Accept what you can’t change – focus on what you can. Tell God exactly how you feel – Don’t tell other people. Others can’t help you. Resist bitterness and ask yourself, do I want to be bitter or happy.

When you harbor bitterness – you end up with sickness and illnesses. Cast your cares on him – for he cares. When you awake – spend time worshiping God – Don’t make requests.

Thank him – In all things, I give you praise.

When you thank God for a little, you end up with a lot.Gratitude destroys depression. No born again person should be depressed or stressed. The church is more than a building. It’s all about people helping people. Live life with eternity in view. Don’t wait until the conditions are perfect.

They’ll never be perfect. Let go and remind yourself that this moment is the only one that we can be sure of – in this next breath we could be gone.

Start over, Let it Go!