Date: November
22, 2015
Proverbs 29:25, Psalm 68:19, Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 62:11, Psalm 57:1, Romans
8:15, Matthew 10:19, 2 Peter 1:3, Jeremiah 1:19, Psalm 34:1, Philippians 4:8
Sermon Topic: Fear
Don’t be afraid. Fear does not come from God.
Fear – men rely on themselves too much, this causes life to
be more difficult than victorious. Fear comes primarily from bad choices.
People have phobia’s , they’re afraid of the dark, afraid of
people afraid of everything. Fear is not a part of the character of a man/woman
of God. Sometimes in order to change you, you need to change your environment.
Thoughts are based on
Until this transformation takes place you will be fearful.
Never allow fear to overtake your life. Refuse th4e role of a victim. Because
of who you are, some of the greatest opportunities will come dressed as a
problem, because the enemy doesn’t want you to get to the next level.
You get an image of failure. You have to change the things
around you. Caleb said the land flowed with milk and honey, but there were
giants in the land.
They saw themselves as grasshoppers in comparison with the
If you see yourself as a grasshopper you defeat you have
defeat headed your way.
Picture your desired future. See yourself happy, healed and
Where there is no vision the people will perish. Put faith
signs around your home. Psalm 68:19
– he loads us up with benefits.
Fear is a spirit that doesn’t come from God. If it doesn’t
come from God, where does it come from?
Proverbs 29:25 –
There is a consequence for fear. Fear contaminates your faith. The fear of a
man bringeth a snare, but whosever trust in God will be safe.
When fear goes faith comes. Fear is an opportunity for you
to exercise your faith. Matthew 8:26 – Whenever there is fear stand in faith.
Why are you fearful?
He’s already promised us that he won’t leave us nor forsake
us. When the storm comes – it will come, but you will have the opportunity to
stand in faith.
God has given us all we need to overcome all trials. Matthew 10:19 – Whenever you face a
trial – the Holy Spirit will tell you exactly what to say in that same hour. IF
the Holy sprit doesn’t give it to you in your time you say things that are
contrary to the Holy Spirit.
When you study the word – the Holy Spirit gives you exactly
what you say.
Don’t mouth the words of a loser.
Don’t mouth the words of a loser.
Everyday and every hour I’ m a winner.
Romans 8:15 – We
have not received the spirit of bondage.
Both fear and bondage are spirits.
The Apistle reminds you to not believe every spirit, but to
try every spirit to see if it is of God.
The enemy never sleeps – he’s always on the prowl. We must
always be in-tuned to what God says.
We have divine power.
Psalm 62:11 –
Power belongs to God. God spoke it once and I heard it twice. What a mighty God
we serve that he only has to say it once but we heard it twice.
God has not given us a spirit of fear. Psalm 66:3 – When I’m
afraid, I must trust in thee. It’s not that we’ll never fear, but we must trust
in God.
Proverbs 3:5 –
There will be times where you won’t know where to go but let him direct your
There are times when your flesh will want to do its own
thing, but you must do what the Lord says.
Psalm 57:1 – I’m
under his protection until the storm passes. That’s the solution.
Love that centers on pleasing God and seeking the welfare of others before myself.
Fear causes discord and confusion. Consider your resources.
Fear causes us to think on negative things.
2 Peter 1:3 – He
has given us all things that we need for an abundant life. Through the divine
knowledge of God.
I need to know him to know what I have. Not knowing God. We
try to get things that we shouldn’t have or that we already have.
If I don’t have the knowledge.
Watch the lust of the eyes and of the sense. If not, you
will touch, taste, smell and feel things that are not of God.
Being in the church building, being a Methodist doesn’t give
you the knowledge.
You must study the word of God. Say the Lord is your refuge.
Remember that God is in control. We have to know God.
Jeremiah 1:19 – I
am with thee to deliver thee. Don’t be surprised by the fiery trials. They will
fight you but you they won’t prevail.
Satan has not power – he has a method. He comes through your mind.
There is no temptation that he won’t give you a way of
escape. You can do it.
God is in control.
Fear and doubt – our faith must be strong enough to rejoice
during those times.
Psalm 34:1 - the humble will hear and be glad. We’re not
whispering our praises. We are blessing his name in the midst of it all.
Oh magnify the Lord with me. I’m going through but I’m
inviting someone else into my praises.
Philippians 4:8 –
Finally brothren, after it’s all over. After you’ve been through the storm
think on these lovely things.
Things of a good rapport, things that are lovely; when I
think on the goodness of Jesus and all that he’s done for me. I don’t have time
to think on fear.