Sunday, October 23, 2016

There are Steps to Walking with Christ

Sermon Topic: There are Steps to Walking with Christ

Sermon Notes:

Everything begins with a thought. Negative thoughts develop a stronghold in the mind. When I submit myself to God there is a commitment. A commitment to Christ was a commandment. Mathew 19:21 – When Jesus makes a statement it’s a command, a direct requirement. If I am going to be led by the spirit, I can’t let what I have change my direction.

There is a cost for following Christ. Mathew 16:14 – you  must first deny yourself. No matter what I need to follow him.

If I’m led by the spirit my commitment to God also involves commitment to his people. Ephesians 4:3-4 – We aren’t members of the church, we are members of the body of Christ. We must glorify God. He must get the glory. We need the understanding to know that the Holy Spirit is all knowing; omnipresent and all powerful.

Psalm 139:7-8 – Because I know that he’s always with me, I’m mindful of where I go, who I associate with and what I say. He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord.

God repays us.

The flesh will come with a negative thoughts – guard your heart. We live the life of Christ in us. When you release what you have you get more than you had before.

The Holy Spirit can tell our thoughts.

John 16:12 – The Holy Spirit came for us to receive truth and guards against lies. When we allow the spirit to lead us, he will guide you and show you of things to come. 1 John 2:27 – You have been anointed by the Holy Spirit. You have discernment. You can’t allow your circumstances to tell you if you’re on the right path.

You are the light of the world. Let your light shine. When we’re not led by the spirit we aren’t walking in the light. 

He speaks, but you must learn to hear his voice. 1 Peter 3:4 – We need the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. When you demonstrate that spirit the enemy causes the other person to act out. We must maintain the meek and quiet spirit. Yield to the spirit and you can give praise in any situation.
Some are won to Christ based on our actions. Everything in your spirit will become new. 

1 Corinthians 2:12 – We must grow in grace and in the knowledge. When we receive Christ we receive the Holy Spirit at that moment. Galatians 5:22 – Spiritual things become real to us because we are more spirit conscious. My sheep will hear my voice – A stranger they won’t follow. My emotions are a stranger to me because my emotions aren’t of Christ. We no longer respond to emotions. 

We must hear him, my steps must be ordered. Psalm 37:23 – I delight in the way of God.
Whatever you’re searching for allow the spirit to give your heart peace. When we walk in the spirit we’re in agreement with the word of God. The flesh leads us away from manifestation because it only understands what it hears, sees and smell.

The carnal mind.

If I go with the carnal mind, I go against the word of God. We can never conquer anything until we conquer our thinking.

- Guard against what we allow into our temple. Whether it’s what we hear or see.
- Strongholds exists in our mind. Every believer is responsible for changing his mindset. The Holy Spirit changes our minds. Colossians 3:2 – Seek those things above, set your affections on things above.

Ask yourself the question to see if how you respond is in agreement.

To live in the spirit is salvation. To be led by the spirit is sanctification.

1 Corinthians 15:15 – We will all have trials – but we look to the finished work of Christ.

Keep looking up.

Everything will be alright.

God outlasts the storm. 

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