Sunday, October 23, 2016

There are Steps to Walking with Christ

Sermon Topic: There are Steps to Walking with Christ

Sermon Notes:

Everything begins with a thought. Negative thoughts develop a stronghold in the mind. When I submit myself to God there is a commitment. A commitment to Christ was a commandment. Mathew 19:21 – When Jesus makes a statement it’s a command, a direct requirement. If I am going to be led by the spirit, I can’t let what I have change my direction.

There is a cost for following Christ. Mathew 16:14 – you  must first deny yourself. No matter what I need to follow him.

If I’m led by the spirit my commitment to God also involves commitment to his people. Ephesians 4:3-4 – We aren’t members of the church, we are members of the body of Christ. We must glorify God. He must get the glory. We need the understanding to know that the Holy Spirit is all knowing; omnipresent and all powerful.

Psalm 139:7-8 – Because I know that he’s always with me, I’m mindful of where I go, who I associate with and what I say. He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord.

God repays us.

The flesh will come with a negative thoughts – guard your heart. We live the life of Christ in us. When you release what you have you get more than you had before.

The Holy Spirit can tell our thoughts.

John 16:12 – The Holy Spirit came for us to receive truth and guards against lies. When we allow the spirit to lead us, he will guide you and show you of things to come. 1 John 2:27 – You have been anointed by the Holy Spirit. You have discernment. You can’t allow your circumstances to tell you if you’re on the right path.

You are the light of the world. Let your light shine. When we’re not led by the spirit we aren’t walking in the light. 

He speaks, but you must learn to hear his voice. 1 Peter 3:4 – We need the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. When you demonstrate that spirit the enemy causes the other person to act out. We must maintain the meek and quiet spirit. Yield to the spirit and you can give praise in any situation.
Some are won to Christ based on our actions. Everything in your spirit will become new. 

1 Corinthians 2:12 – We must grow in grace and in the knowledge. When we receive Christ we receive the Holy Spirit at that moment. Galatians 5:22 – Spiritual things become real to us because we are more spirit conscious. My sheep will hear my voice – A stranger they won’t follow. My emotions are a stranger to me because my emotions aren’t of Christ. We no longer respond to emotions. 

We must hear him, my steps must be ordered. Psalm 37:23 – I delight in the way of God.
Whatever you’re searching for allow the spirit to give your heart peace. When we walk in the spirit we’re in agreement with the word of God. The flesh leads us away from manifestation because it only understands what it hears, sees and smell.

The carnal mind.

If I go with the carnal mind, I go against the word of God. We can never conquer anything until we conquer our thinking.

- Guard against what we allow into our temple. Whether it’s what we hear or see.
- Strongholds exists in our mind. Every believer is responsible for changing his mindset. The Holy Spirit changes our minds. Colossians 3:2 – Seek those things above, set your affections on things above.

Ask yourself the question to see if how you respond is in agreement.

To live in the spirit is salvation. To be led by the spirit is sanctification.

1 Corinthians 15:15 – We will all have trials – but we look to the finished work of Christ.

Keep looking up.

Everything will be alright.

God outlasts the storm. 

Do you Hear What I Hear?

Sermon Topic: Do you Hear What I Hear?

Sermon Notes:

Isaiah 9:6 – For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.

The passage of scriptures gives us an idea of what occurs. If you’ve been in the stores or mall preceding Christmas, there is an excitement in the air. This is the season to be jolly – for those who don’t know Christ. For us, we should always have joy, because we have the fruit of the spirit. With all this jolliness there is still an attempt to take us away from the Bible, the Ten Commandments and prayer from our society.

You can talk about anything other than Jesus.

Man searches for that one special gift for their loved one to bring joy to them when you forget the real focus should be on Christ. John 3:16 – This is our hope. In this hope we wait for the Messiah. Our time waiting should also be a time of sharing good news.

He was born King of the Jews.

There is purpose in the journey that’s why Christ wasn’t born in the town of the wisemen.  God gives us the gift but the journey is up to us. You must open the door. There has to be action on our part. There’s something we must do.

Seeking Christ is always a journey blocked by the world’s system.

The journey is for those willing to leave comfortable surroundings.

Micah 5:2 – Isaiah picks up this with Isaiah 9:6 – The child was born because God wrapped himself in flesh, but the son is when God called out to the darkness, “let there be light”.

That’s the Jesus who is God. His name is wonderful, counselor, father and prince of peace.
Whenever you ask a question, God doesn’t leave you without an answer.

Isaiah 7:14 – The Lord shall give you a sign.

God doesn’t work miracles to make us lazy and irresponsible. He fills our mind with spiritual knowledge, but we must learn of his word.

God comes to the lowest among us. When we have everything we become self-centered and start to believe that we don’t need God.

The first gift of Christmas is a child.

Overcoming Life’s Difficulties

Sermon Topic: Overcoming Life’s Difficulties

Sermon Notes:

Isaiah 43 – If you have had difficulties in the year God wants you to forget about it. At the end of the year some may look back at their resolutions. If you’re going to be successful in the coming year there needs to be spiritual growth. You will need to take the steps to avoid the same mistakes that you made last year.

You have to see yourself as God sees you.

1 Peter 2:9 – This is who we are. If people say you are strange – you’re supposed to be – we are a peculiar people.

You weren’t born this way – you were reborn. You have to change and see yourself as God sees you.
In the morning say:

- I have peace
- I am healed
- I am whole

I’m agreeing with what God says. Faith is the substance – the conviction of the things hoped for evidence of things not seen. Some things I haven’t seen yet, but I expect it. I’m expecting to prosper, I’m expecting healing. 1 John 3:2 – I am expecting to be prosperous.

Before you were saved you talked about who you are – don’t stop now that you’re saved. Hebrews 10:35 – Cast not away your confidence. You have need of patience. Be anxious for nothing, because God doesn’t work on our time. It’s in his own time. 

While we wait we must:

- Be patient
- Be in the will of God
- Receive the promise

Ask yourself, have I been waiting or worrying? You can’t worry and walk in faith.

Don’t dwell on negativity. It’s over with. Don’t re-live 2015 when God has so much more for you in the future.

Cry for a moment and let it go – Don’t cry, everyday reach towards the future.

Take failure out of the equation – if you think you will fail – you will fail. You’re a winner so you shouldn’t expect to fail.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 – Approach every trial with a positive attitude.

Don’t allow things to depress you when the joy of the Lord is your strength. Because he inhabits the praises of his people, there are some things you can overcome just by praising.

Purpose your heart that this year you’re going to praise your way through.

Successful people see failure as an opportunity. The quality of your preparation – determines the quality of your performance.

Joshua 1:5 – Mediate on the word and do according to the word of God.

- See yourself as God sees you
- Don’t dwell on negativity
- Choose not to be offended
- Take stock of your life

You have to make the choice. If you’re easily offended – you will have problems.
I’m not offended by words or actions.

Psalm 37:33 – The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. The Lord upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 27:1-3 – God isn’t asking me to fight my enemies. Your performance doesn’t determine your standing in Christ. Your standing in Christ determines your performance.
Stay in the word.

The instructions you follow determines the future you create.

When I’m pleasing God – devoid of myself he gives me all I desire.

For the new year – stop making excuses.

Don’t allow people to sow negativity into your spirit. Don’t be a listening ear for gossip. Forget about the past – God never consults your past to determine your future.

Take stock of your life. Galatians 3 – what did it profit me? All the things I’ve been through; what did it profit me? How much time did I waste this year? How much time have you wasted watching television?

To be successful you have to see the invisible. If you focus on what’s seen it becomes depressing. Your enemy looks to discredit you – not understand you. No matter what I face in the new year, I know that ll things work together for the good.

Joy comes in the morning – For the saints of God the morning isn’t 6:00 a.m. God has a morning for us.

Struggle is going to happen but God has us in his hands. You may get knocked down, but the fight isn’t over. We have to go in the war room at times. We need a war room. Every now and then we need to go in the room to have a little talk with Jesus.

What regrets did you have this year? Looking back can hinder your progress. Anything you permit will increase in your life.

If you permit sadness or misery in your life it will increase.

You’ll never get to where you need to be until you make the decision to leave when you are. God has so much for us, but he can’t give it to us. While we have all this other stuff in our lives.
Change your circumstances. Change your thinking.

The Cost of Discipleship

Sermon Topic: The Cost of Discipleship
Foundational Scripture: Luke 9:23 – 25
Sermon Notes:

We must deny ourselves and take up his cross daily. This is the cost for becoming a disciple of Christ.
We can no longer do ministry if there’s no urgency in the ministry. Every member is a minister. The great commission is inclusive.

There’s a calling on your life. You must understand who you are. 1 Corinthians 6:19 – your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are not your own. We were bought with a price at Calvary. He paid the price for our redemption.

We are to glorify God in the body and spirit. Romans 5:8 – While we were in our sins. We have to live by the scripture. John 14:21 – if you have my commandments and keep them, then we love him. Love for the family cannot be greater than love for Jesus Christ.

We are saved when we walk in righteousness and holiness. We are saved to make a difference. We are made to give a contribution to the kingdom. Your children don’t belong to you – we are only stewards. God holds us responsible for them. Every parent has a responsibility for training their child.
Romans 13:14 – Don’t make any provisions for fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. This is the condition for discipleship.  You must make a decision and there are some things, people and products that you must leave to follow Christ.

Philippians 3:7-8 – I count it all lost for Christ.

You can’t remain neutral. Mathew 12:33 – you must make a decision. The tree is known by the fruit.
You must deny yourself. 2 Corinthians 5:15 – we don’t live unto ourselves. We must deny ourselves when the temptation comes. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

Galatians 2:20 – Christ lives in me.

Follow me – We are to walk as Christ walks. If you’re a disciple of Christ there are three things you must continue in love. As the father loves me…continue in my love. There are times where you still have to love anyway. Continue in prayer.

Follow Godliness and peace – Hebrews 12:15 – follow peace with all men. You’re going to encounter crazy, people, but you have to follow peace with them. Let the peace of God rule Philippians 2:17 – Do all things without murmuring. You don’t have to be right all the time. Luke 6:27 – do good to them who hate you. Mathew 5:44 – have you ever been good to someone who intentionally hurt you? Pray for them that despitefully used and persecute you. 

Our greatest struggles are with the people we know. The people who knew you before you were saved that has the problem.


Sermon Topic: Faith

Sermon Notes:

You have all that you need. Everything we need 1 Peter 1:3 – he’s given us according to his power. God didn’t leave us with a shortage of anything. Ephesians 1:3 – everything in the natural comes out of the spirit realm.

When God created the heavens and earth he spoke it into existence. He doesn’t need to make us anything because it’s all there when Jesus said it is finished, it was done.

We get it by speaking God’s word back to him. We must have faith and trust in God to receive. We don’t trust in money or things we trust in the source of things, God.

Since his love and blessings are endless, whenever we have a shortage he gives us what we need. Hebrews 11:6 – we can’t please him without faith. Believe that God will supply all needs.

- Physical
- Financial
- All

You have authority that you don’t exercise often enough. Genesis 1:6 – We are to rule in the earth realm because God gave it to us. 1 John 5:4 – whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. Born again, new creatures in Christ we’ve overcome lack, sadness, fear, sickness. God has not given us a spirit of fear.

If you’re in a situation of need don’t allow worry to move you away from your position in faith. If you’re worrying you’re not trusting. We inherit the promises thru faith. The math of the righteous is a well of life.

Understand the power of confession. He that decrees it sees it. If it doesn’t materialize tomorrow, I’m still trusting God. When you understand the power of confession understand the power of speech.

If there is a time lapse between my request and when I receive it, if I say, “I won’t get it”, the words have the same power as faith filled word.

You cancel out what you say when you speak doubt.

Mark 16:17-18 – Jesus backs this up because it’s his word.

Put the word of God in your mind, heart and spirit. Meditate on the word of God.

- Read the word
- See the word
- Meditate on the word

It then becomes a port of my being. God backs up his word if we walk in righteousness and holiness. The power the authority is in his name. It’s all spiritual. When the enemy looks at you and you have the authority, he has to obey your command.

We have on the whole armor of God to stand with the word, name and blood we have the authority.   Standing in the authority I have what I say.

Faith makes all things possible, not necessarily easy. Take ownership of whatever you are seeking God for. When you take ownership – set your mind to function along those lines.

I have it now.

You must be able to hear the voice of God. Be strong in faith and fight the good fight.

Psalm 115:16 – Jesus told us to occupy, have control over the earth, we have the authority. We need a revelation, a role model to imitate those who thru faith, consistency and endurance continue to inherit the promise.

1 Corinthians 15 – your labor is not in vain. You have to hang in there. In the midst of it all – be steadfast your authority is assured by God’s divine ability.

Regiment of faith – systematic way to apply the word to any situation in life – find a scripture for the situation.

No matter what you encounter there is a word for it. What you believe determines your faith. All of our problems are solved, already.

God isn’t going around fixing things it’s already done. When he said, “It’s all done” he paid it in full.

The key is not to be deceived by the enemy to have you doubt the promise. The devil is a liar. We’ve been blessed – we have to initiate the action to get the product that’s by faith. Blessings are always according to faith.

Mathew 9:27 – According to your faith – their eyes were opened. The only way you can say yes Lord is when you’re walking by faith and not by sight. When they said, “yeah Lord” it was a faith filled confession.

Answered prayer is up to you.

John 15:7 – If you abide in me…..ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. There is no limit to what I’ll do for you, if you abide in me and my word in you.
Psalm 23:1 – comes alive when you get the word in your spirit. He did all that he did in the Bible, Lazarus and healing, feeding 5,000 and we are worried about our little issues?


We serve a mighty God. He can do whatever. Psalm 34:9 – he wants to do. When he wants to how he wants because he’s God. Philippians 4:6 – don’t come to God with doubt. Come to him with the knowledge that he’ll do it.

No matter how serious the situation, don’t be careful to ask for what you need.

Petitioning God and praising him at the same time. That’s what faith is. I don’t need to see it.

We have confidence towards God. John 3 – Whatsoever we ask, we receive because we keep his commandments and do what’s pleasing in his sight.

Never say, “if it be thy will” – It is his will that all of your needs are supplied.

When you look in the word and see that it is his will and we say “if it be your will” we negate it.

All I have to do is be in the position to receive, to overcome false beliefs. Don’t be as confident in self – trust in God. Step out on faith.

Don’t give up when facing difficulties – change your thinking. Don’t expect the worse. Change your thinking.

Romans 8:28 – All things work together for good. We know it. Not only the good but the bad things also work for good.

Think outside the box. Get out of the negative environment. Your atmosphere creates an image. Put trust in God.

Trust in God – that’s what faith us.

Some trust God for salvation, but not to take them thru their everyday life.

Faith works by love.

Faith produces joy, peace and confidence.

Hebrews 10:35-36 – We must persevere in faith. Cast not away thy confidence.

In everyday life the will of God is to be holy, righteous, love each other, pray for each other.

There are two aspects to God’s will:

1.     Determined will – things that are unchanging. They fulfil God’s divine purpose and prophecy. (i.e. day and night, seasons)
2.     Desired will – that all will be saved – we know that all won’t be saved

We walk by faith not by sight.

John 8:31-32 – we must continue in his word.