Sermon Topic: Prescription
for Living in God’s Sufficiency
Sermon Notes:
limits, no boundaries, I see increase all around me. All things are yours,
right now. You don’t have to prostitute yourself to get something because all
things are yours already. You must have
a proper view of who you are, who’s you are and what you are called to be.
Corinthians 6:9 – 11 – God gives us a list of things that will keep us out of
the kingdom. We have all sinned and come short. We must live by the word of
God; He that has my commandments and keeps them. I must be consistent with
keeping his commandments.
can fool man sometimes but never fool God. We must apply the scripture to our
lies and apply it to the word of God. No matter the situation.
matter how the situation goes, I must be merciful kind and I have to put up
with you, then I have to forgive you.
have bows of mercy. If any man has a quarrel against any, you cannot be selective
over who you forgive. Above all these things…charity. Unless you walk in the
spirit, you will fulfill the lust of the flesh and love won’t rule in your
life. It’s in the mind – as a man thinketh so is he.
can’t talk about holiness without talking about separation.
Corinthians 6:16-17 – Ye are the temple of the living God. Come out from among
them and be ye separate.
is the key to finding an answer. Psalm 84:11 – the mouth of the righteous man
is a well of life.
can call things that be not as they were.
Christ centered. 2 Corinthians 4:7 –
Holy Spirit abides in believers. Our sufficiency is of God.
4:13- Can become a reality in our lives.
it be thy will, is really a prayer of unbelief. We have to be mindful of the words
we use when we pray.
is a prayer of unbelief.
insult God by constantly questioning the word and his will.
must be righteous and holy to receive that which we ask.
question God’s timing.
There are times in our lives where we need to have the mentality of Job. He knows the way I take.