Friday, September 11, 2015

There is a Fungus among Us

Sermon Date:  September 6, 2015

Sermon Topic: There is a Fungus among Us

Scriptures: Romans 1:21, Hosea 4:6, John 3:19 – 20, 2 Timothy 2:5, Matthew 8:9, Josea 13:16, Isaiah 29:13, Ephesians 5:5-6, Proverbs 14, Mathew 7:13, Isaiah 1:59

Sermon Notes:

In the modern day church, the church has become powerless to have any impact on the evil around our society.

Murder, abortion, teen pregnancy, sex assaults and everything that’s not of God is on the rise, while the church has sequestered themselves behind stained glass windows. The church has become self-centered and ritualistic in our worship of God. We’ve placed God in a box. If it’s not in the prescribed time that you think should be done – you shut down.

Whenever the saints of God come together – the enemy enters. The Devil is a demonic spirit and the only way he can operate in the earth’s realm he needs a body. Every time we come together someone in the midst has a spirit of derailment and destruction.

Some people are in church with a form of Godliness and will delay or distract the purpose of God.  God called us to be a witness, a force and something other than what we are.

Worship God not buildings, worship God and not stuff. Worship God!

Romans 1:21 – When they knew God, they became vain in their imaginations.

Praise isn’t merely nodding your head and saying Amen. Sin is essentially a lack of faith. A sickness is prevailing in our society. Lack of faith produces sin. In every war there will be casualties, captives and deserters. When Satan gets you captive he doesn’t draw you away from church he leaves you there to stir up strife.

Hosea 4:6 – Lack of knowledge.

The spiritual world is more real than the physical world.

It’s by God’s grace that you’re here. Jesus had you in his plans before you made up your mind to come to church.

He look beyond our faults and saw our need. We’re doing evil in the sight of God.

John 3:19 – 20 – Men love darkness rather than light. If you come to the light you will be exposed. So you stay in the dark.

2 Timothy 2:5 – Unholy, unthankful, truce breakers, traitors, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Stop hanging with people like this. Stop hanging with the whisperers and backbiters. There should be a difference about you. You are a new creature.

There are those who masquerade as Christians they’ve been doing it so long. Matthew 8:9

Josea 13:16 – There are some who rebel against all authority.

There is a complete absence of respect for the law, word and God.

Isaiah 29:13 – They’ve removed their heart from me. Disobedience to God leads to punishment whatsoever a man sow there shall he reap.

Ephesians 5:5-6 –

The word of God is for the people of God.

God loves us, be he doesn’t tolerate sin.

Proverbs 14

Mathew 7:13 – Wide is the gate and broad is the way to destruction.

In order to pray you must have a relationship with God a right relationship.

Isaiah 1:59 – Your iniquity has separated you from God. If there’s sin in your life, no matter how much you pray – God won’t hear it.

Don’t let others try to condemn you. He that the son set free is free indeed. Don’t allow people to take you back to your place.

Whatever is in your heart and your life that’s contrary to God’s word. Humble yourself, pray and seek his face, turn from your wicked ways.

Stop gossiping and whispering your arms are too short to box with God.

If you volunteer to do something you can quit but if you were called – you can’t quit. There is no way you can go to get away from what you must do.

God knows all about you. He knows the hours on your head.

You don’t have to fight your own battles.

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