Sunday, June 14, 2015

Grace to Obey God

Sermon Date:  June 14, 2015

Sermon Topic: Grace to Obey God

Scriptures: Mark 10:29-30, Romans 6:16, Romans 6:16, John 8:34, Acts 4, John 8:31

Sermon Notes:

There are all types of foolishness going on in the world but we are not of this world. John 8:31 –

What liberates a person from their past? Some of us are able to move around but are bound to something or someone. Until the spirit sets them free they will be bound. Some are in prison but are freer in their minds than some who are prisoners in their home – some who are at home worshipping – signing songs about freedom but are bound.

You’re alright until they give the benediction and leave this environment they leave for a week but must return to this place to find freedom. You can masquerade as a free person, but not be free.

The bondage waits for you at the door. Because of sin humanity is in a sort of slavery to sin. John 8:34 –

Romans 6:16 – You are slave to what you obey. There is a choice. While they promise liberty, they themselves are slaves.

Real freedom can only be realized through Christ. Acts 4 – there is no other name under heaven, not Buddha, Juddha, or Islam can save you, only Jesus can free a man from the power of sin. Every man not walking under true holiness is a slave to sin.

Sin won’t have dominion over us, because of grace. Man is free from the power and from the penalty of sin. You can’t help yourself because you made the choice to go back under it and submit yourself to it. At his coming we will be free from the present. Right now we live in a sin filled word. When we were saved – the spirit man was saved but the flesh is still lusting.

Unless you’re in the word people can upset you with just one word, if you have more world in you than the word.

Truth is not always popular – many don’t want to hear the truth but its right and necessary. The truth shall set you free. Some know academic truth but don’t know anything about Jesus.

Pilot with all of his political authority asked, “What is truth?” but he didn’t wait on the answer. Freedom from sin is conditional. The Bible is not a buffet table. Obey those who have the rule over you. Many have accepted Christ on a conceptual basis but don’t accept him as savior and Lord.

You were bought and for. There must be a corresponding action in the life of someone claiming to be saved - your speech, actions and attitude changes. the things that are passed away, you shouldn’t go back and pick them up. 

Romans 6:16 – We are free from the pollution of sin. Be not deceived – not everyone will make it into the kingdom.

To know the truth – you have to hear the truth. You can’t hear the truth at home. Nothing should take precedent over loving and serving Christ.

First, you have to be open to change. You can’t continue the old life. You can’t serve God and man. Choose ye this day. It’s best to choose now. In order to change the first thing you must do is assume responsibility for your own life.

Second, believe that you can change. Stop saying I can’t. I made up my mind – I got out and I’m not going back.

Third, stop waiting for the ideal circumstance to come before you change.

3 Things that will drive you to change

·      Pain – Some won’t come to Christ until they’re on their last leg
·      Pressure – some allow pressure to weight them down until they have to come
·      Prospective – you can do nothing on your own.

Your weaknesses never give you a view of your future. Your weakness gives you a view of what you used to be.

Don’t exert self-effort on what’s not profitable. It’s time out for every man for himself. We need each other.

Mark 10:29-30 – Benefits of obedience. Jesus has blessings for you for coming to him. He gives us double for our trouble. Stop waiting for the time to change.

The time to change is now.

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