Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Date: November 22, 2015
Scriptures: Proverbs 29:25, Psalm 68:19, Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 62:11, Psalm 57:1, Romans 8:15, Matthew 10:19, 2 Peter 1:3, Jeremiah 1:19, Psalm 34:1, Philippians 4:8

Sermon Topic:  Fear

Don’t be afraid. Fear does not come from God.

Fear – men rely on themselves too much, this causes life to be more difficult than victorious. Fear comes primarily from bad choices.

People have phobia’s , they’re afraid of the dark, afraid of people afraid of everything. Fear is not a part of the character of a man/woman of God. Sometimes in order to change you, you need to change your environment.

Thoughts are based on

·      Observation
·      Associations
·      Teachings

Until this transformation takes place you will be fearful. Never allow fear to overtake your life. Refuse th4e role of a victim. Because of who you are, some of the greatest opportunities will come dressed as a problem, because the enemy doesn’t want you to get to the next level.

You get an image of failure. You have to change the things around you. Caleb said the land flowed with milk and honey, but there were giants in the land.

They saw themselves as grasshoppers in comparison with the Giants.

If you see yourself as a grasshopper you defeat you have defeat headed your way.

Picture your desired future. See yourself happy, healed and victorious. 

Where there is no vision the people will perish. Put faith signs around your home. Psalm 68:19 – he loads us up with benefits.

Fear is a spirit that doesn’t come from God. If it doesn’t come from God, where does it come from?

Proverbs 29:25 – There is a consequence for fear. Fear contaminates your faith. The fear of a man bringeth a snare, but whosever trust in God will be safe.

When fear goes faith comes. Fear is an opportunity for you to exercise your faith. Matthew 8:26 – Whenever there is fear stand in faith. Why are you fearful?

He’s already promised us that he won’t leave us nor forsake us. When the storm comes – it will come, but you will have the opportunity to stand in faith.

God has given us all we need to overcome all trials. Matthew 10:19 – Whenever you face a trial – the Holy Spirit will tell you exactly what to say in that same hour. IF the Holy sprit doesn’t give it to you in your time you say things that are contrary to the Holy Spirit.

When you study the word – the Holy Spirit gives you exactly what you say.

Don’t mouth the words of a loser.

Everyday and every hour I’ m a winner.

Romans 8:15 – We have not received the spirit of bondage.

Both fear and bondage are spirits.

The Apistle reminds you to not believe every spirit, but to try every spirit to see if it is of God.

The enemy never sleeps – he’s always on the prowl. We must always be in-tuned to what God says.

We have divine power.

Psalm 62:11 – Power belongs to God. God spoke it once and I heard it twice. What a mighty God we serve that he only has to say it once but we heard it twice.

God has not given us a spirit of fear. Psalm 66:3 – When I’m afraid, I must trust in thee. It’s not that we’ll never fear, but we must trust in God.

Proverbs 3:5 – There will be times where you won’t know where to go but let him direct your path.

There are times when your flesh will want to do its own thing, but you must do what the Lord says.

Psalm 57:1 – I’m under his protection until the storm passes. That’s the solution.

Love that centers on pleasing God and seeking the welfare of others before myself.

Fear causes discord and confusion. Consider your resources. Fear causes us to think on negative things.

2 Peter 1:3 – He has given us all things that we need for an abundant life. Through the divine knowledge of God.

I need to know him to know what I have. Not knowing God. We try to get things that we shouldn’t have or that we already have.

If I don’t have the knowledge.

Watch the lust of the eyes and of the sense. If not, you will touch, taste, smell and feel things that are not of God.

Being in the church building, being a Methodist doesn’t give you the knowledge.

You must study the word of God. Say the Lord is your refuge.

Remember that God is in control. We have to know God.

Jeremiah 1:19 – I am with thee to deliver thee. Don’t be surprised by the fiery trials. They will fight you but you they won’t prevail.

Satan has not power – he has a method. He comes through your mind.

There is no temptation that he won’t give you a way of escape. You can do it.

God is in control.

Fear and doubt – our faith must be strong enough to rejoice during those times.

Psalm 34:1  - the humble will hear and be glad. We’re not whispering our praises. We are blessing his name in the midst of it all.

Oh magnify the Lord with me. I’m going through but I’m inviting someone else into my praises.

Philippians 4:8 – Finally brothren, after it’s all over. After you’ve been through the storm think on these lovely things.

Things of a good rapport, things that are lovely; when I think on the goodness of Jesus and all that he’s done for me. I don’t have time to think on fear.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Qualities Found in a Godly Person

Date: November 8, 2015
Scriptures: Psalm 56:3, Psalm 62:11, Matthew 6:31
Sermon Topic: Qualities Found in a Godly Person
There are people who are born again and baptized but are worried about trivial things. Worrying is sinful and useless.
I must obey God without full understanding. That’s what faith is – it’s believing sight unseen. Word of God says that the just shall live by faith.
Despite the trials, naysayers – we face them with the assurance if God be for us who can be against us.
It’s not what someone else says about you, it’s what God says about you. God formed man out of dust. We are bust dust – unto dust we shall return. No matter what you wear or what you do, we are but dust.
We have the assurance that God is for us. Weak Christians need to build their lives based on what God says.
What are you worried about? You worry about tomorrow – then tomorrow gets here and you worry about the next day and nothing happens.
Why worry about something that you can’t change? Get up with a song of praise. Don’t let that stuff tie you down.
Psalm 56:3 – this scripture is the key for worrying. Psalm 62:11 – power belongs to God, not to us. We can do all things through Christ but the power belongs to God.
Matthew 6:31 – you can’t prevent the thought from coming, but don’t take the thought. Don’t verbalize what you’re thinking. Cast the thought down. You reactions to problems will determine if you succeed or fail. Discipline your thinking.
Satan can’t read your mind – he hears what you says. That’s why he had to talk to Eve to put her in a position of doubting.
Spiritual battles are won in your mind. Have the right attitude. What I think controls my mind. Out of the heart the mouth speaks. What you say out of your mouth becomes the reality that you live with. You have what you say.
Faith comes by hearing – if you speak it, you’re listening to what you say.
You must screen those who carry a virus of doubt.
Get the revelation of who you are – A child of God destined for greatness. Once you get this you’ll realize that wall isn’t an obstacle. Some walls have doors – Get out of your comfort zone. If you want the fruit you have to go out on a limb.
The only thing you find at the shore is minnows. You have to go out in the deep water. You’ll never leave where you are until you become dissatisfied with where you are.
Be careful for nothing. You don’t have to tell everyone your business. Make your requests known to God.
David was greatly distressed, but he had to encourage himself. Sometimes we have to make adjustments. Everything won’t be cut and dry for you. Know how to handle trials. You must stay positive because all things work together for the good.
I’m a winner now. Psalm 55:2  - Cast your cares on God and he will sustain you.
Faith acts like it’s so, even when it’s not so, that it might be so.
If I’m dealing with something I discipline my mind that it’s already done. When you make behavioral changes you have the following:
  • Conviction – brought on by the spirit
  • Confession – I agree with what the spirit says because that’s what right.
  • Correction – setup a structured plan to enforce obedience.
Force this body to obey the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 9:27 – you have to hold the course until you see results. Don’t give up after one or two days wait on the Lord.
There will be times when you may have to wait – but you must praise God while you wait.
In a storm, never forget the promise of God. Psalm 107:27 – My promise outweighs any problem that we have.
4 truths
  • Know who I am in Christ
  • Be settled on the faithfulness of God. If he did it before he’ll do it again.
  • Know what I’m capable of doing – All things are possible. All you have to do is believe. God is committed to a person of faith.
Psalm 34:7 – understand God’s commitment. Greater things will you do. He didn’t call us to be mediocre. If you’re in something he will deliver. Don’t let the enemy make you believe that you won’t make it out.
When you’re in a storm get a song in your heart and a smile on your face, speak to the storm.
You have to discipline yourself to know when it’s time to move on. (In a relationship or on the job)
In everything there is a season and a time for it. Some things that are behind, if you keep focusing on it, it will drive you crazy. Get up every morning and say, “I am blessed”. Failure can’t happen in your life without your permission, if you’re going to be for God.
Nobody can make you do anything – but you must motivate yourself. I’m going to bless the Lord. Be strong in the Lord. Talk expectations not experiences. Stop re-hashing old stuff.
Overcomers stand on the promises and on the word of God. Corinthians 1:20 – You must have absolute dependence on the word of God.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5, 2015 - Bible Study

Date: November 5, 2015
Scriptures: John 15:7, Ephesians 1:3, Hebrews 6:13 – 14, 2 Corinthians 4:7, Psalm 62:11

Sermon Topic: Bible Study

All things are possible by faith, we as saints of God must stand on that statement.

The enemy tries to sow doubt in your mind that it won’t happen. The word of God is settled. The word doesn’t change. We need the God-kind of faith to believe that if nothing is impossible with God and we are children of God and if we ask we will receive.  

If I’m asking, I’m expecting to receive because I don’t ask God to do something that goes against his word or character.

2 Corinthians 4:7 – We can’t do anything on our own. Psalm 62:11 – Power belongs to God so whatever I need; God has the power to answer our prayers. We must be in his will. We must pray according to his will. Hebrews 6:13 – 14 – After he patiently endured he obtained the promise. It doesn’t say what he had to endure but he took it patiently.

Some obstacles and roadblocks came on Abraham but be endured because God promised. Ephesians 1:3 – When it says all spiritual blessings – everything natural comes out of the spirit because God is a spirit.

How does anyone receive the blessing?

The blessing is in Christ, so in order to receive these blessings we must be in Christ. John 15:7 – Abide in me – ask what you will – there are no limitations. Abiding – living according to my word - obedient to his word. Proverbs – guard your heart and mind. Don’t think on negativity or doubt. He does what’s in his will.

If it’s in his word, it’s in his will. Obedience is one thing that doesn’t work alone. 1 John 5:3 – Keep his commandments. They’re not troublesome or hard because we are in Christ, so in Christ – I can do ALL things.

1 John 5:4 – We are in Christ, walking by faith. We are in the position to receive. Obedience works by love and faith.

When we obey, he rewards those who obey him. John 15:10 – my joy may be full – love each other. The holy spirit gives us the power to love. We are not perfect. We can’t own perfection. We all have faults and failures.

We all have different personalities, our differences don’t change our love. Some of our blessings are held up by our own actions.

It’s not that God can’t. The only thing, he can’t do is lie. We must help each other get through whatever we’re dealing with.

His eternal love will:

  • ·         Help you
  • ·         Counsel you
  • ·         Nurture you
  • ·         Help you gain your strength

Don’t make it known to anyone what you do for other people. When you do something for someone it should only be between you, God and the other person. We serve an almighty God who works in our lives to go about his will.

God keeps his promises. God gives us the power. Philippians 4:13 – He strengthens me. If you have the power of God, you have the wisdom of God. So there is no reason asking someone’s opinion about something?

Sometimes when God sends us on an assignment it’s just for us.

Whenever you  need to, the Holy Spirit will put in your mouth, exactly what to say. We need the knowledge of Christ.

Knowledge of Christ should increase consistently. We need to become more like Christ. If I know Christ I have peace.

Discipline yourself to know what you have; instead of praying for it thank God for it. Thank God for the peace you already have instead of asking God for peace.

When we get the knowledge of Christ we no longer wonder if we have things. We already have it. We’ve been justified by faith. We have peace but we must demonstrate peace while we’re in this world, because the world is going crazy.

Since we have peace. We are the light of the world. The world should look at you and see a manifestation of peace. Which gives us an opportunity to witness to others about how we make it.
We have peace, hope and eternal life. Our assurance of receiving the things of God are based upon our knowledge of God. I have to know God to be assured that what he promised will comet o pass. You need to trust God, have faith because things may not immediately change. That’s why God is sovereign – he does what he wants, when he wants.

Be like Job, “though he slay me, yet will I trust him”. Assurance comes through knowing God through his mighty acts. Joshua 3:10 – As soon as the sole of the foot of a priest touched the water it stood up in the air.

This is the same God we serve in 2015; the same God who was with the children of Israel.  
We walk by faith and not by sight. I have the victory in this. I’m trusting in the Lord. I’m not going to lean to my own understanding. If I lean to my own understanding, it takes me out of where I need to be.

I’m not worried about the who, what, when or where. I’m going to stand on his word and wait for the manifestation.

I’m going to continue to walk upright before him and know in my spirit that what he promised will come to pass. Some people can’t be around you. You can’t bring everyone into your situation because they’ll throw water on your faith.

We have assurance according to God’s promise. We can’t leave out the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit assures believers and gives us a conviction. Romans 8:16 – We are heirs of God and joint heirs Christ.

Guarding our speech is in the Bible twice. We must guard our speech. Don’t allow bad times to dictate what you say out of your mouth.

My God shall supply all of my needs.

There will be times where you can’t get help from anyone else. My God will supply our needs.

1 John 2:3 – We know if we keep his commandments we have the evidence. People should look at us and see a Godly person, living a Godly life.

No matter the circumstance I will still live a Godly life. They shall know that you’re disciples by your love.

Psalms 84:11 – You have the blessings of the Lord but we need: Confidence, knowledge, faith, hope.
We are in Christ so we have access. In the old testament the priests could be the only intercessory but Christ said come boldly before the throne now.

I’m so glad we serve a God where we can go to him whenever and wherever.
God is there and God is good.

Psalm 62:11 – Power belongs to God. Whenever you feel weak and weary remember that the power belongs to God.

We are blessed. Whatever God has given you will last. All of his promises will last. We only need to ask in faith and believe it. 

Get to the place where no matter what anyone says, we will believe the report of the Lord.